Saturday, June 29, 2013

NOW AVAILABLE ON PROMOTION FREE: Children's Book Series: Patches the Kitten Explores Her New Home and Meets Her New Family [Kindle Edition]

Free today and tomorrow - Saturday, June 29 and Sunday June 30, 2013: Patches the Ktten Illustrated Children's Book Free Now!

The 2nd book in the illustrated children's book series about Patches the Kitty is available for Free today and tomorrow only. Get your free copy now. Pease leave a review after you have read the book. Reviews, both positive and negative help the Author improve the quality of her books. Click here to download your free copy now:

Wednesday, June 26, 2013

Patches the Kitten Children's Book Series

Book one of this series - Patches the Kitten Gets Lost is about a tiny cat who looks like a baby kitty who has wandered away from home chasing butterflies. This book is available on at the following link: There have been 153copies of the book distributed since May 31st, 2013.

Book 2 in this series - Children's Book Series: Patches the Kitten Explores Her New Home and Meets Her New Family - finds Patches exploring her new home and meeting all of her adopted family, both human and animal. This book was published yesterday and you may find it here:

Patches the Kitten is a real cat and has been a member of our family for the past 6 years. One morning, she was sitting on our deck at the corner of the sliding glass door. One of the neighborhood strays we fed was watching over her. A have-a-heart trap and a trip to the vet told us she weighed 6.5 ounces and was a bit older than we thought initially. Now, she is a healthy 6 pounds and is just as frisky and spontaneous as she was the day she adopted our family

If you have a child or grandchild or just a special small person in your life, please instill the love of reading in them by reading to them. Even if the books are in electronic format, a child can see the illustrations and love the story simply because someone is taking the time to read  to them.